Curation for the NITE hotel
Virtual theater & stage for new storytelling forms
In 2020 / 2021, Rajae took on the curation of the NITE Hotel. During the COVID pandemic, there was an open call OPEN NITES where multiple talents, were given space and budget to research, create and present their own work at this BIS company. Rajae was then asked to join the artistic team, where she provided input and networking to Guy Weizman, Roni Haver and the team in addition to curating the NITE hotel, conceiving and executing several other formats. She also developed and produced a series of mini video lectures for the Borderless NITES series and a NITE Hotel symposium during the Theater Festival
View archival material at the NITE hotel here, such as open nites, borderless nites, etc.
Click here for "Digital is here to stay. (Boekman Foundation), with NITE hotel as a best practice.